Top 10 Skincare Tips to Improve your Complexion

If you’re hoping to boost your skin’s overall appearance, you may find that there are a variety of areas that you could improve in – and just one aspect that you could consider delving deeper into for better results is your level of skincare.

Whether you want to reduce acne or hydrate dry skin, a little research and know-how can go a long way. If you want to improve your complexion in a few simple steps, here are 10 of the best tips out there.

1. Avoid smoke

Not only is smoking bad for you in more ways than one, but just being around cigarette smoke can damage your skin. Ideally, pollutants in general should be avoided both inside and outside.

2. Be happier

In general, we all want to be happy – but did you know that it can help to prevent premature aging? Turn that frown upside down, you may just notice a difference!

3. Consider your diet

Ensuring that you’re getting enough protein and vitamins can be vital to the health of your skin, as well as cutting out sugary, salty and fried foods.

4. Do a little exercise

Regular exercise can work wonders for your skin. Whether it’s jogging or yoga, it can help with your blood circulation and the cleansing process of your skin (as well as many other benefits).

5. Get a good night’s sleep, regularly

It can be easy to put a sleep schedule aside when you’ve got other things going on, but that extra rest could be beneficial to your skin. The body’s skin repairing mechanics kick into action while we’re sleeping, and a lack of necessary rest can actually lead to breakouts and other skin problems.

6. Remove your makeup before you go to bed

An important note to remember is that you should always get rid of your makeup before going to bed. Leaving it on can prevent your skin from breathing overnight, causing issues like blackheads and blemishes.

7. Reduce stress in your life

You may have heard this before, but stress really can take its toll on our bodies, and this includes our skin. If you take some time to manage your stress levels, you may just see an improvement in redness, acne and more.

8. Try drinking green tea more often

Individuals experiencing symptoms of rosacea may find that the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea can be quite beneficial, particularly iced green tea. This can go hand in hand in trying to de-stress, too.

9. Use sunscreen

There are a variety of reasons why you should be protecting your skin from exposure to harsh rays of sunlight; ranging from wrinkles, to skin cancer.

10. Use the right skincare products

Each and every person is unique and because of this, certain ingredients may be better for your skin than others. With this in mind, it’s always a good idea to learn more about what’s ideal for your individual needs to get the best results.


Pippa Ashton
Pippa Ashton

I'm a fully qualified Beautician and a practitioner of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures. Having worked in the beauty industry since 2011 I have gained a lot of experience and gone on to become a published expert in a wide range of matters concerning health, beauty and nutrition.

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